Lynn Zeleski


NuStep Helps Lynn Reduce Her Pain Level. 

Following kidney surgery I went to physical therapy. To warm up…we’d workout on a NuStep T4r for 15 minutes. It wasn’t long before I realized that my pain level was reduced on PT days. I started to experiment on non-PT days, working out on the NuStep for 30 minutes. Most of my pain was gone throughout the day. This was exciting! Having only one kidney, I’m not supposed to use analgesics.

It was a big expense, more than the cars we buy. I’ve (not) been a big fan of exercise equipment that ends up being used as a hanger and the only exercise it produced was for my husband as he relocated each device. It was an act of faith on both our parts to take the leap and purchase the NuStep. There have been very few days (less than 6 and only if I’m very sick) that I haven’t spent at least 30 minutes on the NuStep. I am so happy to have found this fun solution.

​Lynn Zeleski

Hastings, Nebraska