Who Should Be A Part Of Your Support System?


by | Oct 3, 2016 | blog

Hi Everyone,

I’m very excited about this weeks blog! It’s about getting rid of negativity within your support system.

For anyone who starts a journey towards health and happiness, you may find that some people do not want you to succeed.

My advice to you is to not expend time or energy trying to prove them wrong.

I’m sure that’s quite different then what you have been told. I have a different outlook on a situation like this.

First you need to find your “Rock,” a very strong support system. Make sure that your support system is made up of several people because you’re going to need them.

One day, you may have a really hard time and you’ll need your “rock” to lean on. If that person isn’t available, you’ll need back up support.

Make sure it’s someone you can trust and not someone who will coddle you and tell you it’s going to be alright, when in fact it might not be.

Make sure it’s a no nonsense, no excuses, type of person. You should choose someone who can truly help you see a clear picture of where you want to go.

Believe it or not, I have one of those people in my life. Sometimes it isn’t fun listening to that person but they provide sound advice.

This person needs to help you forget about two things:

1: Your Pride
2: Your Excuses

Our pride and excuses can hold us back from accomplishing our goals. Try to remove people from your life who are distracting you with negativity or enabling your bad habits.

These people can be hard to detect. Sometimes we won’t realize the negative influence someone has had on us, until it is too late.

At times, we may seek out someone who is really a negative force holding us back from our goals. We do this because it is easier to be around someone who will tell us what we want to hear, instead of what we need to hear.

Please don’t misunderstand me, we all like to hear and need to hear compliments. However, there is a time and place for heartfelt praise.

When you truly feel great about yourself and get comfortable on your journey, you won’t need validation from someone else.

Confidence will be pouring out from you. You’ll feel and see a drastic difference in your attitude and motivation. Then, when someone gives you a compliment, they will just be confirming how you already feel.

Take Care and I’ll be back next week.


This Weeks O’Nealism:

“Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday, Just Get Started.”

Stay Healthy My Friends,

About O'Neal Hampton

After being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic and weighing 420 pounds, O’Neal Hampton Jr. became a contestant during the 2010 season of NBC’s "The Biggest Loser." It was then that he was introduced to NuStep. Through the O'Neal Hampton Wellness Foundation, he educates others on the value and importance of exercise and nutrition. O’Neal Hampton Jr. is a NuStep spokesperson.