Can You Do HIIT on a Recumbent Cross Trainer?


by | Nov 3, 2020 | blog

Can You Do High Intensity Interval Training on a Recumbent Cross Trainer?

The short answer is yes; you CAN do HIIT workouts on a recumbent cross trainer. In fact, you can use any piece of cardio equipment for this type of workout.


What Is HIIT?

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It generally consists of a warmup period followed by repeated periods of high-intensity exercises separated by medium-intensity exercises ending with a cool-down period. The high-intensity portion should be performed at near maximum intensity. The medium-intensity exercises allow for active recovery and should be performed at roughly 50% intensity. Exercise intensity is based on how hard you feel your body is working.

The concept of interval training has been around for a very long time. However, it recently came into popular consciousness thanks in part to Dr. Izumi Tabata, who developed Tabata training in the late 1990s. The Tabata workout consists of 20 seconds of the fastest pace possible followed by ten seconds of rest. This is repeated eight times over a four-minute training session.

Depending on the amount of active recovery you desire, the work-to-rest ratio can vary with HIIT training. Some call for 30 seconds of intense activity followed by 30 seconds of active recovery. Others call for 60 seconds of intense activity followed by 75 seconds of recovery. Essentially, it all boils down to the same recipe. Brief intense exercise, recovery and repeat to burn calories and promote fat loss. But keep in mind, these are short workouts requiring adequate recovery, so 2 to 3 times per week is recommended.


Recumbent Cross Trainers: Benefits Of Interval Training With Less Impact

The advantage of using a recumbent cross trainer for interval training is that it delivers a full body workout by utilizing the upper and lower body at the same time while reducing the impact on the joints.

NuStep recumbent cross trainers have multiple resistance levels. You can adjust the resistance based on your fitness level or workout goals. For instance, you may want to decrease resistance during your high-intensity segment to increase your speed and heart rate. Then, during your recovery period, increase resistance to move slower and lower your heart rate.

You could also do the inverse and increase resistance to work harder. Then, lower your resistance during your recovery to reduce the load and overall exertion. Whatever you choose, you need to work your hardest and allow for active rest or you’re not doing HIIT!

HIIT can help you maximize your workout when you have time constraints (30 minutes or less). Like most exercise, when done properly, it helps burn more calories, promotes weight loss, improves oxygen and blood flow. It also helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar. As always, consult your physician before you begin any new fitness routine.

About Michelle Geer

Michelle is the Marketing Manager at NuStep, LLC. She earned a BBA in Marketing from Western Michigan University and her MBA from Eastern Michigan University. After over a decade in product management roles in the medical device field, Michelle joined NuStep in early 2019, focusing on their digital marketing efforts.